Nutritional Magic

Interested in getting microgreens? Click here to see where they are available in stores, and how you can get them delivered directly to your door!

Broccoli Microgreens can save your life. 🥦

Broccoli saves lives by preventing and fighting cancer. We were fighting cancer, and we wanted to do something about it. Sulforaphane in Broccoli has shown in research:

Can reduce prostate cancer chances by 41%

Reduces chance of bladder cancer by 51%

Smokers had 55% reduction in lung cancer risk

Helped reduce risk of breast cancer in women by 20-40%

Eating broccoli helped bladder cancer patients reduce their chance of dying by 43%

Want those results? Eat Microgreen broccoli and DO NOT HEAT THEM UP 🔥🔥.  Heating KILLS the sulforaphane in broccoli which does the amazing things.

Need a video? Check out this video by Rhonda Patrick. Only the first 10 minutes are necessary if you want to be blown away. 

Nutritional Components

If you eat a cup of broccoli microgreens, what is that giving you?

Calories, carbs, fat, proteins, sugar, pretty much non-existent. You are not eating this food for those things .We eat leafy greens for the vitamins and minerals in them.

For microgreen broccoli we can gain: 

44% of the Daily Value (DV) of Vitamin A
57% DV of Vitamin C
161% DV of Vitamin E
16% DV of Manganese

And my favorite reason for Broccoli:
32.3% DV of isothiocyanates (sulforaphane)
70% DV of Total Soluble Polyphenols (anti-oxidants)From these ratios you would need to eat ~63 TIMES MORE adult broccoli.

Good luck eating 63 cups of adult broccoli.
Sources: 1,2,3

Favorite Ways of Eating Broccoli

IF YOU HEAT UP MICROGREEN BROCCOLI YOU ARE DOING THE ONLY THING THAT IS WRONG!!! 😡Keep it simple, microgreens do not call for extreme work. The idea is for it to enhance your meal.

Microgreen broccoli is super mild, making it extra easy to work with. 


This is probably the first thing that comes to everyone’s head. 

Yes, leafy greens tend to be used in salads. Here’s the thing, most conversations I have with people they state just adding a few pieces microgreens. Sure you can do that, but don’t expect your blood to get a ton of nutrients from eating a piece of a baby plant, you need many.

When we make a salad, we combine a variety of microgreens or other leafy greens like lettuces into one dish. The microgreen IS the leafy green we use most of the time. Look at the above picture of the completed salad, and the below. This is how microgreens should be used when your trying to get the most nutrients into your system. We used about a cup here.

Click here to see how I put together our go-to salad!

Most of our days we typically have some kind of meat, rice, and microgreens as our greens. We throw all of that together into a salad. Quick, easy, and simple.


Toasts are super popular for us.

We do a few different things we love, BUT notice that we just put the microgreens right on top? Keep it simple.

We have two favorite go-to toasts that are made. We often make pesto (click here to see how!) and put that on top of our toasts, with microgreens on top.

Alternatively, we replace our microgreen basil pesto with just avocado for those healthy fats!

Side Dish

Are you a meat and potatoes family? Ever sprinkle in some fancy assorted vegetables into that? You know the one, with the peas, the corn, the carrot?

Sure you could use frozen foods, or you can literally just replace that with greens that are super nutritious.


microgreen smoothie
microgreen smoothie

This is our favorite way to eat a ton of broccoli microgreens.

Smoothies allow us to get a variety of nutrients into ourselves in one quick delicious drink. We love using a ton of berries to get a rich fruity flavor in them.

Our favorite smoothie to make can be found by clicking here.

Sandwiches, Tacos, Wraps, etc.

Broccoli Tacos

There is no wrong way to use microgreens unless you heat them up!

They will work as a replacement for greens in any place you can fit them.

Keep it simple. Use as much as you like, or as little. Eat the greens before they get old (within a week is best practice!) and do not heat them up.

Enjoy your greens ✌️

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